Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Surgery

Patients with extra skin and fat that has accumulated in the abdomen are good candidates for abdominoplasty. Sagging and abnormal abdominal tissues will diminish following a stomach tuck procedure.

Liposuction is also used during the stomach tuck procedure if necessary to restore the area’s normal shape. Patients who are overweight and abruptly drop weight, patients with postpartum fat in certain areas, and patients with age-related skin sagging in specific areas can all make stomach tuck surgery requests. Tummy tuck surgery can help those who have lost the definition between their abdominal muscles to seem more fit.

Best Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty, which is used by all male and female candidates, is ideal for patients with the following problems:

  1. pregnant patients with drooping belly fat
  2. Patients who acquire and lose excess weight yet nonetheless have lax abdominal muscles
  3. patients with extra abdominal skin
  4. patients with abdominal adiposity
  5. Patients who meet the aforementioned requirements and are in good overall health are eligible for this procedure.


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